Innovation in Biological Research Tools and STEM Education
We take a multidisciplinary approach to the biological sciences, addressing topics in cell biology, bioengineering, immunology and even remote sensing of microorganisms. Our tools range from cells, microscopes and microfluidic devices to 3D printers, unmanned aerial vehicles and (with a little help from our friends), satellites.
Students in the lab benefit from collaborations with laboratories at research institutions like the Remote Sensing group at the Rochester Institute of Technology, the Zartman Lab in the College of Engineering at the University of Notre Dame, and the McGrath Lab in the Biomedical Engineering Department at the University of Rochester. Student's research and travel are funded by the university, and by a variety of sources like the National Science Foundation, the National Geographic Society, the American Society for Microbiology and the National Biological Honor Society BBB. Our most recent work focuses on the development of affordable research platforms for bioengineering research and education.
"Turns out it isn't enough that the field is new. There must also be new tools. Galileo's telescope -a new vision of the universe. Leeuwenhoek's microscope -a new vision of life. And so it continues, right to the present: radio telescopes exploded astronomical knowledge. Unmanned space probes rewrote our knowledge of the solar system. The electron microscope altered cell biology. And on and on. New tools mean big advances. So, as young researchers, you should be asking yourselves- who has the new tools?"
Vin Drake in Micro, by Michael Crichton and Richard Preston

Biology Department
Loss Family Research Lab
ISHS Building, 2nd floor
3690 East Ave, Rochester NY 14618
(585) 899-3881